Classifications: Art-Sculpture

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<span style="display:none">Classifications: </span>Art-Sculpture
937 to 948 of 1,012
Torso of Aphrodite
possibly 18th or 19th century, after Hellenistic and Roman statues of the 2nd century B.C.-2nd century A.D.
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.
1st-4th century A.D.
Culture: Roman
Gift of Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.
1st-2nd century A.D.
Culture: Roman
San Antonio Museum of Art, Purchased with funds provided by L.E. Bruni Family Charitable Trust of the San Antonio Area Foundation.
2nd-1st century B.C.
Culture: Greek
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Mr. Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.
1st century A.D.
Culture: Roman
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.
1st-2nd century A.D.
Culture: Roman
Gift of Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.
ca. 1279-1213 B.C.
Culture: Egyptian
Bequest of Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.
1st-2nd century A.D.
Culture: Roman
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Carolyn Nizzi Warmbold in memory of her husband, Ted Warmbold.
Candelario Medrano
20th century
San Antonio Museum of Art, The Nelson A. Rockefeller Folk Art Collection Collection.
San Antonio Museum of Art, The Luis Echeverría Collection.
The Castillo or Flores Family
20th century
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Mexican Government (Hemisfair Confluence Museum, 1968).
ca. 1968
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