Classifications: Costume

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<span style="display:none">Classifications: </span>Costume
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San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Carol Lee Klose.
mid-19th century
Culture: Chinese
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of John T. Murray.
ca. 1850
Culture: Chinese
Gift of Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.
late- 19th-early- 20th century
Culture: Sepik River
Culture: Papuan
San Antonio Museum of Art, purchased with funds provided by the Rubin-Ladd Foundation.
18th-19th century
Culture: Tibetan
San Antonio Museum of Art, Purchased with funds provided by the Friends of Folk Art.
ca. 1960
Culture: Guna
San Antonio Museum of Art, gift of Rev. Guido Nuernberger.
mid- 20th century
Culture: Zulu peoples
Purchased with funds provided by Emory A. Hamilton, James Dickie II, Lenora and Walter F. Brown, Christopher Hill, and Rick Liberto.
19th century
Culture: Japanese
Pair of Girl's Manchu Shoes
late- 19th century
Culture: Chinese
San Antonio Museum of Art, gift of Robert K. Winn.
ca. 1900
Culture: Chinese
San Antonio Museum of Art, bequest of John V. Rowan, Jr.
Joseph Jackson
ca. 1790
Culture: Irish
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