Classifications: Furniture

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<span style="display:none">Classifications: </span>Furniture
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San Antonio Museum of Art, gift of Lenora and Walter F. Brown.
ca. 1870-1890
Culture: Korean
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of David Douglas Duncan in memory of Stanley Marcus.
Kano Sansetsu
17th century
Culture: Japanese
San Antonio Museum of Art, gift of Lenora and Walter F. Brown.
early- 19th century
Culture: Japanese
San Antonio Museum of Art, gift of Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.
ca. 2686-2181 B.C.
Culture: Egyptian
San Antonio Museum of Art, The Nelson A. Rockefeller Mexican Folk Art Collection.
early- 20th century
San Antonio Museum of Art, The Nelson A. Rockefeller Mexican Folk Art Collection.
early- 20th century
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Lenora and Walter F. Brown.
16th century
Culture: Chinese
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Ingrid T. Lee in honor of Oliver and Jennifer Lee.
early- 17th century
Culture: Chinese
San Antonio Museum of Art, gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rejefski.
ca. 1868-1912
Culture: Japanese
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Lenora and Walter F Brown.
19th century
Culture: Japanese
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Catherine and Thomas Edson.
17th century
Culture: Japanese
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Bessie Timon.
early- 17th century
Culture: Chinese
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