Classifications: Furniture

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<span style="display:none">Classifications: </span>Furniture
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Purchased with funds provided by the Lillie and Roy Cullen Endowment.
mid 17th century
Culture: Japanese
San Antonio Museum of Art, gift of Dr. Scott W. Cole in memory of Madeline Cole Todd.
late- 17th-early- 18th century
Culture: Japanese
Gift of Faith and Charles Bybee.
ca. 1860-1870
Gift of the Reverend and Mrs. John C.W. Linsley in memory of William Guy Peck, and of his daughter, Kda Juliette Peck Linsley.
ca. 1830
Gift of Faith P. Bybee.
c. 1880
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Lenora and Walter F. Brown.
18th-19th century
Culture: Japanese
Gift of Faith P. Bybee.
c. 1840
Culture: Austin County, Texas
San Antonio Museum of Art, gift of Claudia and David Ladensohn.
19th century
Culture: Korean
San Antonio Museum of Art, purchased with funds provided by the Lillie and Roy Cullen Endowment.
mid- 17th century
Culture: Japanese
Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Newberry.
Culture: Luba peoples
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