Classifications: Vessels

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<span style="display:none">Classifications: </span>Vessels
1,333 to 1,344 of 1,372
Gift of Beryl N. and Henry G. McCleary.
ca. 1550-1069 B.C.
Culture: Egyptian
Gift of Beryl N. and Henry G. McCleary.
ca. 1550-1069 B.C.
Culture: Egyptian
Purchased with funds provided by the Bessie Timon Asian Art Acquisition Endowment.
Culture: Chinese
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Lenora and Walter F. Brown.
Culture: Chinese
Bequest of John V. Rowan, Jr.
William Clark
ca. 1730
Culture: Irish
Water Dropper
Culture: Korean
Photography by Peggy Tenison
ca. 907-1125
Culture: Chinese
Photography by Peggy Tenison
ca. 907-1125
Culture: Chinese
Water Goblet from the Ambassador Service
Oswald Haerdtl
Designed ca. 1925; made ca. 1960
San Antonio Museum of Art, Purchased with funds provided by Friends of Folk Art.
ca. 1980
The Robert K. Winn Collection.
20th century
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