Latin American Art

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Latin American Art
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San Antonio Museum of Art, The Nelson A. Rockefeller Mexican Folk Art Collection.
Teodora Blanco Núñez
ca. 1978
San Antonio Museum of Art. The Nelson A. Rockefeller Mexican Folk Art Collection.
Teodora Blanco Núñez
ca. 1978
Gift of Mary Kathryn Lynch Kurtz.
Diego Rivera
San Antonio Museum of Art, Purchased with funds provided by Betty and Bob Kelso.
early 19th century
Culture: Peruvian
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Frost National Bank.
Nicario Jiménez Quispe
San Antonio Museum of Art, The Nelson A. Rockefeller Mexican Folk Art Collection.
late- 19th century
San Antonio Museum of Art, Gift of Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.
David Alfaro Siqueiros
ca. 400-300 B.C.
Culture: Mezcala?
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